A Quiz – Who Controls Your Destiny

For each of the following 10 statements circle the choice with which you agree more (a or b).

1.  a. Making a lot of money is largely a matter of getting the right breaks.

     b. Promotions are earned through hard work and persistence.

2.  a. There was a direct connection between how hard I studied in school and the

         grades I got.

     b. Many times, the reactions of my teachers in school seemed haphazard me.

3.  a. The number of divorces indicates that more and more people are not trying to 

          make their marriages work.

     b. Marriage is largely a gamble.

4.  a. It’s silly to think that one can really change another person’s basic attitudes.’

     b. When I am right, I can convince others to my point of view.

5.  a. Getting promoted is really a matter of being a little luckier than the next person.

     b. In our society, a person’s future earning power is dependent upon his or her ability.

6.  a.  If one knows how to deal with people, they are really quite easily led.

     b.  I have little influence over the way other people behave.

7.  a. The grades I made in school were the result of my own efforts; luck had little or

         nothing to do with it.

     b.  Sometimes I felt that I had little to do with the grades I got.

8.  a.  People like me can change the course of world affairs if we make ourselves heard.

     b. It is only wishful thinking to believe that one can readily influence what happens in 

        our society.

9.  a. A great deal that happens to me is probably a matter of chance.

     b.  I am the master of my fate.

10.a. Getting along with people is a skill that must be practiced.

     b. It’s almost impossible to figure out how to please some people.

How to Score:

Give yourself 1 point each of the following selections:

1b, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9b, and 10a.  Now add up your total points.

Your score can be interpreted as the following ‘sense of control’ issues:

8 – 10 = High internal

6 – 7 =  Moderate internal

5 = Mixed

3 – 4 = Moderate external

1 – 2 = High external                                  

Write Your Score Here:  _________

What Your Score Means:  Some people believe that they are masters of their own fate.  Other people see themselves as pawns of fate, believing that what happens to them in their lives is due to luck or chance.  For instance:

  • HIGH INTERNALS—believe that they control their own destiny—and have an internal sense of control.   They tend to be proactive. Because they believe that the choices they make really matter, they tend to be more highly motivated to learn better decision-making techniques.
  • HIGH EXTERNALS—see their lives as being controlled by outside forces—and have an external sense of control.  They tend to see themselves as relatively powerless in influencing their life. They are less concerned with developing strong decision-making skills because they don’t believe that their choices have much effect on their life or outcomes.

Your sense of control score shows how well you accept responsibility and the degree of importance you place on creating your choices and the actions you take.     

What did you learn about yourself from this exercise?